Years ago my incredible partner found this tape in a charity shop:

The tape and its case are completely unmarked, with no j-card or other ID provided. We thought it was probably just a blank tape or somebody's personal mixtpae--so imagine my surprise when it turns out to be raw cuts of 90s jungle on one side and 90s house on the other!

Side a:

Side b:

(Note that you can download by right-clicking on the controls above and selecting "Save Audio as")

I have a couple guesses as to what the tape might be, but no firm leads. As you might imagine, I am very curious to figure out where the tape comes from and what's on it.

I have not used song ID services yet--if enough time passes and we can't figure it out, that's what I'll turn to, but that still might not tell us a whole lot about what the tape actually was for. Just knowing the tracks won't tell us who put them together here or why.

Email me at if you think you think you can ID not just the tracks but the actual origin of the tape itself. The point is to figure out what this actually is--an album? A club set? A radio hour? Just somebody's collection of ripped tunes?

The first person to successfully figure out will win some kind of prize or something, I dunno. A sample pack? I'm not made of money, have some humility.

Also!! This page is not yet accessible from my homepage, so if you have this link, you are one of the only people to have access to it. I'll open up the hunt if it doesn't prove immediately successful. Knowing my luck one of you will just know exactly what this is off the top of their heads and ID it within 10 minutes, but I wanted to have fun, y'know?

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by GiantGhost